We have had a spectacular Autumn this year in Colorado. Once again, we see nature complete a cycle and allow the next season to begin. In the Summer, we are active and full of energy. In the Fall, we begin to slow down in preparation for winter. Autumn is a time for letting go. This seasonal transition is a beautiful time to take a close look at our lives. Are our homes filled with free flowing, positive energy and clear spaces? Are our bodies nourished with healthy foods, exercise, and rest? Are our relationships filled with kindness, open communication, and love? If not, what do we need to let go of this season?
As in nature, the leaves let go and die in order for the tree to replenish itself and return new leaves in the Spring. Trees never stubbornly hold onto their leaves for fear of needing them next year; yet, how many of us hold on to old clutter in our lives with the fear of needing it someday? The Fall is a great time for us to let go as well – both in the physical and emotional sense. How many of us are holding on to old keepsakes, old relationships, old grudges, old clothes? Once we are able to release these material items, negative emotions, and unhealthy relationships that have a hold on us, we can only then open ourselves up for what the universe has in store.
The Chinese organs connected with Autumn are the Lung and Large Intestine. The emotion connected with the Lung is grief. When the Lung is in balance, we grieve an appropriate amount of time, and then are able to let go and move on. The paired organ to the Lung is the Large Intestine. The function of the Large Intestine is to collect the waste material and then let it go. Problems with constipation can often arise when we are holding on too tightly in other areas of our lives. This can also be thought of in terms of our mind and the toxic junk that is thrown at us in the media every day. Take it in, then let it go; otherwise, our minds also become toxic and have difficulty seeing the beauty and good that surrounds us. Acupuncture can help balance the Lung-Large Intestine energy and aid in the process of letting go.
Autumn is about letting go, but it is also about taking in the pure. Breathe in the cool, crisp Autumn air, be nurtured by it, and then let it go. The Lungs and Large Intestine work together as a pair: the Lungs take in the pure and the Large Intestine eliminates the waste. When these organs fail to do their job, we start to see coughs, shortness of breath, bronchitis, allergies, constipation, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In an emotional sense, by hanging on, we live in a constant state of fear, stubbornness, anxiety, chaos, and clutter. We see the negative side and all that could potentially go wrong. By letting go, we clear space and open ourselves to what really matters in life. Emotionally, Fall is a good time to evaluate all of the old patterns and resentments, and begin to let go.
So make a commitment to yourself this season to let go of at least one item, one thought, one grudge that is no longer needed in your life. Let it go and experience the purest sense of freedom!